481 357


197 505


215 969


Размещено 27 февраля 2016

по договоренности


ФИО: Kononova Nataliya

Дата рождения: 21 июня 1998 (25 лет)

Пол: Женский

Семейное положение: Не состою в браке, детей нет

Город проживания: Москва (показать на карте)



Full secondary education (11 grades) in school number 1491.
The first year student in High School of Economics direction of Economics, Faculty "ICEF" - program of double degree in cooperation of HSE with the London School of Economics. (Education is in English)

Владение иностранными языками


Опыт работы

Last year In school I replaced my teacher of mathematics in the class fifth and sixth grade. Also I participated in many art projects in school (confecences, concerts, science projects).

Профессиональные навыки и знания

I am active, initiative, responsible person. I adore children and get on well with them.
I play guitar pretty well.
I have level B1 on FCE Cambridge exam. Moreover I was in UK and USA for study trips from 2010 to 2014.

Комментарий к резюме

I am active, initiative, responsible person. I adore children and get on well with them.
I play guitar pretty well.
I have level B1 on FCE Cambridge exam. Moreover I was in UK and USA for study trips from 2010 to 2014.
Last year In school I replaced my teacher of mathematics in the class fifth and sixth grade. Also I participated in many art projects in school (confecences, concerts, science projects).