481 360


197 502


215 963


Размещено 28 сентября 2018

Дергобузов Павел Владиславович

от 130 000 рублей

Commercial representative

ФИО: Дергобузов Павел Владиславович

Дата рождения: 05 февраля 1990 (34 года)

Пол: Мужской

Семейное положение: Состою в браке, детей нет

Город проживания: Москва (показать на карте)




График работы

Полный день




Всероссийская академия внешней торговли, Москва
Внешнеэкономический менеджмент, Менеджмент со знанием иностранного языка - магистратура (Правовое регулирование во внешнеэкономической деятельности)

Всероссийская академия внешней торговли, Москва
Внешнеэкономический менеджмент, Менеджмент со знанием иностранного языка (бакалавр)

Дополнительное образование

School «MEDINA», 2019
MEDINA, Arabian language courses

School «Select English», Cambridge, UK, 2009
Select English School, English language courses

School «Select English», Cambridge, UK, 2008
Select English School, English language courses

Владение иностранными языками

Russian - native
English - advanced level
Arabic - basic level

Опыт работы

JSC "Rosoboronexport"
(November 2012 - until now)

1. Cooperation with representatives of the client from Latin American, European, African and Arabian areas.
2. Conducting of negotiations and close cooperation with foreign customers (state authorities of foreign states), as well as with foreign firms-beneficiaries (co-executors) of a contract.
3. Preparation of the business Offset programs, taking into account business analyse of economic efficiency and requirements of foreign customers.
4. Business analysis of the Offset legislation of foreign customers.
5. Making of business presentations and its justification for a client.
6. Preparation of all necessary contract documents to close a deal.
7. Total assistance of foreign customers during execution of a contract.

JSC «Research and Production Association «Bazalt»
(February - October 2012)

Specialist of Exhibition Organisation and Record Division
1. Development and coordination programs of international and domestic exhibitions with relevant organizations.
2. Preparation of exhibition and products presentations for potential foreign customers.
3. Preparation and execution of administrative documents for obtaining a license for a temporary export of the military products.
4. Participated in international exhibitions «DEFEXPO INDIA – 2012», «EUROSATORY – 2012» and «AFRICA AEROSPACE AND DEFENCE – 2012».

Профессиональные навыки и знания

Negotiation skills, B2G sales strategy, Business analysis, Business communication, Agile Project Management, Presentation skills, Project implementation skills, Complex project sale.

Дополнительные сведения

Client-oriented and competent. Developed oral and writing speech skills as well as business correspondence skills. Educated and trained to negotiate with the first persons of the company. Have a presentable appearance.